Combine Files
I enjoy generating templates in C and am always combining files. This is a quick and easy way to do it that includes some basic error-handling. The required dependencies to use this method are stdio to enable working with files and stdlib in order to allow the use of exit.
void combine_file(FILE *dest_fp, FILE *source_fp){
char ch;
// check pointer for data
if(dest_fp == NULL || source_fp == NULL){
puts("ERROR: Could not open files");
// read source character by character
// until end of file is reached
while((ch = fgetc(source_fp)) != EOF ){
// print each character in our destination file
Here is an example of how to make use of the method.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void combine_file(FILE *dest_fp, FILE *source_fp);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
FILE *destination_fp, *newContent_fp;
// open a destination file in write mode
destination_fp = fopen ("style.css", "w+");
// here is our new content to append in read mode
newContent_fp = fopen("header.css", "r");
combine_file(destination_fp, newContent_fp);
// remember to close our files
return 0;